Funny how the world sees "real women. . ."

Evidenced by all the Real Housewives of. . . shows which seem to be overtaking our televisions, it appears that the world believes we should all be wealthy, pampered, enviable, catty, curvaceous, gorgeous, and more. While we may be gorgeous, most of us are not rich or spoiled or even catty. We are ~ simply put ~ real.

The idea for this blog came after watching a few of those real housewives shows and realizing just how skewed the views of everyday life can be through the eyes of these women. Particularly to those of us in the trenches, working day-in-day-out to take care of ourselves, our children, our parents, our spouses/partners. Those of us who are out there earning a living, who may be dealing with catastrophic events or troubled children or medical issues or partner concerns.

This is a call to all women everywhere who live everyday lives and who want to simply do their best as they love all, laugh often, and live fully. Let us unite with our whole heart and soul, with humanity and grace, with vigor and hope. We are women and we are thankful to be so!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Random Thoughts of Real Women & Motherhood

An experience earlier today caused me to pause with introspection and contemplation. Motherhood is universal. Girls are mothers-becoming. Women are mothers-to-be, adoptive mothers, mothers-by-proxy, foster mothers, mothers-in-law, surrogate mothers. Wherever we turn we see mothers. Those of us who may never give birth or adopt a child still play a role - in someone's life - as a mother figure. A woman's capacity to love is endless. Our innate ability to simultaneously nurture and protect, to be strong yet vulnerable, to love without prejudice, and to work the small miracles in life is a tremendous gift. It is sacred. It is precious. It is eternal. The funny part of my own motherhood is that my only child is blessed (~or~ cursed!) to have all of my attention, whether he wants it or not! The introspection and contemplation experienced today came following a most intense discourse with my son. Truths are told in the depths of dialog such as this, and I cannot but applaud the fortitude with which my now-all-grown-up child lives. He is a lover of life, of goodness, of creation, of honor, of simplicity, and of all God's children. He is a man of talent, a man of courage, a man of respect.

 We learn from our mothers, who learned from theirs. What an awesome legacy!

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