Funny how the world sees "real women. . ."

Evidenced by all the Real Housewives of. . . shows which seem to be overtaking our televisions, it appears that the world believes we should all be wealthy, pampered, enviable, catty, curvaceous, gorgeous, and more. While we may be gorgeous, most of us are not rich or spoiled or even catty. We are ~ simply put ~ real.

The idea for this blog came after watching a few of those real housewives shows and realizing just how skewed the views of everyday life can be through the eyes of these women. Particularly to those of us in the trenches, working day-in-day-out to take care of ourselves, our children, our parents, our spouses/partners. Those of us who are out there earning a living, who may be dealing with catastrophic events or troubled children or medical issues or partner concerns.

This is a call to all women everywhere who live everyday lives and who want to simply do their best as they love all, laugh often, and live fully. Let us unite with our whole heart and soul, with humanity and grace, with vigor and hope. We are women and we are thankful to be so!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My Monday Heroes - Women Across the Globe

At this Memorial Day weekend, our thoughts turn to those we love who have passed on, who have made a difference in our lives and for our country. Generally, we reminisce about those who have served in battle and fought for the freedoms we have come to expect throughout the free world. 

As we recall those special people, let us also think of the strength, courage, tenacity, valor, and determination of the women we know, the women we have known, the women we know of, and all women throughout this planet who have made a difference. 

In consideration of this, I think about the ancients, the pioneers, and the contemporary women who have influenced my life. . .there are so many. 

Putting it very simply, let me ask all the women who read this blog: Do you have a credit card or a mortgage or a vehicle in your name? If so, are you aware that as recently as thirty years ago, this likely would not be the case? It took women of great stamina ~ essentially, modern pioneers ~ to bring us forward to this place. 

We have a voice and it is a voice of compassion and learning, a voice of hope and might, a voice understood by women across the globe regardless of our native tongue or what language we speak.

Remember who we are, and act accordingly. We hold precious lives in our hands, we shore up those around us who are in need, we have the strength to be someone's shoulder and the tenderness to pull them close in comfort.

These are such natural pieces of each of our characters ~ let us have cheer and joy and charity in our hearts for who we are, and let us be who we are, when we are, where we are, and why we are . . . just because we are! 


  1. Wow! That is profound in its simplicity. Thank you!

  2. Thank you for the sweet reminder of our blessings as women, and the influence we might have on another's life. Hopefully I will be more grateful and mindful of the power within me to make a difference!

  3. Wow! I thought I commented on this several days ago, but it hasn't posted. Anyway, this is a wonderful reminder to me! Thank you for all the good you bring to pass through this blog. You're amazing!
